Having recently returned from the Ironman World Championships in Kona, “Carbo Loading” in the race week was something mentioned is just about every conversation. Like it was a fact. However, carbohydrate loading prior to an endurance event is indeed ubiquitous – but why? And how should we do it? Let’s discuss.
Energy stores
This will be a refresher for regular readers of my blog, or of our monthly summary of the latest endurance science research, TSS – but understanding the whys and hows of pre-exercise carbohydrate loading requires some knowledge of the energy stores we have in the body, and how we use them during exercise.
During endurance exercise, particularly relatively even-paced events like marathons or Ironman triathlons, almost all of the energy production we need to power muscle contractions come from aerobic metabolism, or the breakdown of fuels in oxygen-dependent pathways. That’s why we have lungs, our heart, blood, and blood vessels, to deliver oxygen to our tissues fo...
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